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Tungsten ore demand growth best field is cemented
  Author:admin   Release time:2012/4/24  Read:11579  Time 【font: big center small

According to the sound economic" live" coverage of trade, China and Thailand joint non-ferrous metal industry analyst Liu Xiao visit" live" for all trading investment value of tungsten ore, tungsten ore Liu Xiao think future demand growth is still the best in the cemented carbide field.

Moderator: exactly explain hard alloy is used in what fields will be used?

Liu Xiao: hard alloy system is divided into three major areas of application, the first is the industrial processing of tool, second is used for the exploitation of mine field, third industrial commonly used wearing parts.

Moderator: exactly explain hard alloy is used in what fields will be used?

Liu Xiao: hard alloy system is divided into three major areas of application, the first is the industrial processing of tool, second is used for the exploitation of mine field, third industrial commonly used wearing parts.

Moderator: hard alloy or in addition to the demand of this respect from other aspects in tungsten mine downstream what demand growth space is big, in addition to hard alloy outside?

Liu Xiao: other areas included in the special steel, tungsten as additive; in some chemical categories also put tungsten as additive or catalyst, and tungsten in addition to do hard alloy, and other pieces of metal alloys used in many business processing materials; the other is lighting in the field of tungsten, tungsten materials, future demand growth is best in cemented carbide, because Chinese processing tool is gradually to the high-end forward stage, other areas basically and national economic growth will maintain synchronous growth.

Host: China tungsten industry chain development is what?

Liu Xiao: the so-called high-end stride is refers to the terminal product tools, such as Israel in the machine, used in the original are the traditional ordinary mechanical processing machine tool, at present relatively high-end digital processing machine tool in machine tool consumption the proportion has increased significantly, the traditional mechanical tool may gradually atrophic, the future more high-end Coated convertible cutter tool is the use of tungsten production, sure consumers have a very significant increase, some main tool production enterprises in the new production line is mainly on the coated cutting tools.

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